About Me

Hi! Iā€™m Lacey. I am the owner and chief designer of Lacey Breanne Interiors (LBI). Here is a quick snapshot of who I am.

I have had the privilege of living in middle Tennessee most of my life. Decorating has always been a passion of mine. Being able to use the creative part of my brain brings me such joy. When it comes to decorating, I have attention to detail (some would say OCD), which is pretty handy in this business.

As a military spouse and mom, I can say that my heart is full. We are the proud parents of two beautiful girls. We also have a goldendoodle that counts as our first child. The three of them keep my husband and I on our toes!

Finally, I am a Home Staging Resource (HSR) certified professional with a degree in business management. I am a member of the Real Estate Staging Association as well.

I look forward to working with you!